
Indigenous Learning Pathways


Full program description


ILP Program 



The Indigenous Learning Pathways (ILP) is a self-directed, multi-course training that supports new staff and faculty to engage with resources on Indigenous-focused topics. 

Through a series of guided activities, reflections, and learning prompts, ILP orients learners to resources already available at UBC, providing tips and ideas for how they can be creatively included and utilized in professional development plans for yourself, your team, or your entire unit. 


ILP Teaching Objectives:  


This training program will...  


Orient new staff and faculty to learning resources and opportunities at UBC that will further their understanding of Indigenous knowledges, perspectives, histories, and realities.  

Increase learner awareness of their own roles and/or responsibilities in UBC’s commitment to mending and nurturing good relationships with Indigenous communities, staff, students, and faculty.  

Support new employees in understanding the practice and process of engaging in decolonizing and Indigenizing work at UBC. 


As you move through this course, you will engage with activities, video clips, reflection questions, and recommended resources to help you along your learning journey. Video clips contain powerful knowledge and insights from staff, faculty, and leaders, around how to best approach Indigenous work at UBC. Some of the richest learning will happen outside the course as you explore the many existing learning opportunities there are at UBC and in the community. Guided activities will support practical learning around approaching Indigenous-focused topics and events with care, moving forward when mistakes are made, and writing a meaningful land acknowledgement.


ILP Learning Outcomes:   


After completing this training program, you will be able to:


Connect with learning resources and opportunities at UBC that can further your understanding of Indigenous knowledges, perspectives, histories, and realities.  

Appraise your own roles and/or responsibilities in UBC’s commitment to mending and nurturing good relationships with Indigenous communities, staff, students, and faculty.  

Value what it means to engage in decolonizing and indigenizing work at UBC. 

Prepare yourself and your teams for Indigenous focused projects and partnerships at UBC