Course delivery: online

Facilitation Skills Training


Full program description

Communication, leadership, group management, planning and organization. Facilitators mobilize their varied skills to promote productive and positive engagement of a group no matter the setting or purpose. A facilitator can inform, coordinate, inspire and challenge participants to think deeply, collaborate differently and learn in new ways. Facilitators streamline complex processes, build intentional procedures to achieve collective goals and create inclusive spaces for all participants. Are you ready to facilitate?

Whether you host large scale events, small team meetings, in-person brainstorms or nationwide virtual experiences a strong foundation in facilitation will support your success. 

This powerful tool can be leveraged in project management, team meetings, strategic planning, team development, supervision of student leaders and educational settings. Get started now!

Audience: Facilitation skills training is available to all UBC employees interested in advancing their skills. No prior experience or expertise is required. The course is designed for new facilitators and those looking to expand their facilitator toolkit.

Duration: Modules range from 15-75 minutes in length. The full training will take ~5.5 hours. There is no deadline to complete the trainings.

Format: Self-paced modules

Training Itinerary: 

Learners are encouraged to complete courses in the following sequence:

  • Facilitation Skills
    • Facilitator Identity
    • Group Facilitation Techniques
    • Navigating Challenges in Group Facilitation
  • Session Development Skills
    • Session Design
    • Activity Design
  • Facilitation Resources and Further Learning

You may complete as many or as few courses as appropriate for your development. Only those who complete all modules will receive the Certificate of Completion.

Ways You'll Learn:

  • Interactive and hands-on activities
  • Scenarios
  • Self-reflection activities
  • Videos
  • In-Role Challenges
  • Reference materials

What You Get:

  • Enhanced facilitation skills!
  • Toolkit of resources to take with you and use for future facilitation
  • A Certificate of Completion 

Those who complete the training may also receive an invitation to continue their development by joining the Internal Facilitator Network as a Facilitator-in-Training to design and deliver a workshop on WPL.


Keywords: Okanagan Campus, ONCS, Vancouver- Point Grey, VRPTGY, Vancouver- Robson Square, VRRNSE, Other Locations, ORLS, Online, OE, Coaching & Mentoring Skills, CGMGSS, Leadership & Management, LPMT, Personal Development, PLDT, Remote Work, REWK