
Workday Student - Degree Audit


Full course description

Course Details

Audience: Faculty and Program Advisors and Administrators who currently use Degree Navigator reports, and staff that work with student academic records and academic advising.

Course Outline:

  • Navigating Academic Progress Reports (APR)
  • Find Students and Programs of Study
  • Dual Entry (Degree Navigator & Workday)
  • Read and Launch a Student's Academic Progress Report
  • Apply, Edit and Remove Exceptions (Overrides)
  • Evaluate Academic Requirements (What-If Scenarios)
  • Identify Students Based on Their Academic Requirements Progress
  • Assess Completed Transfer Credits.


Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Find a student(s) in a given program of study based on a set of criteria.
  • Find a student’s program details (educational objective) on their record.
  • Find a student’s academic progress report.
  • Describe in Workday’s terms where a student can find their academic progress report on their Workday Student record.
  • Identify and describe the student’s current progress towards their completion of academic requirements via the Academic Progress Report (APR) tool in Workday, and how courses and credits are applied towards the student’s academic requirements.
  • Relaunch an APR for a student, and understand when and why relaunch is necessary.
  • Describe how and when a student can see changes to their registration reflected in their APR.
  • Apply a non-default version of academic requirements to the student’s record.
  • Apply, edit and remove exceptions to the student’s academic requirements.
  • Add and search for notes on the student’s record related to their academic progress.
  • Describe in Workday’s terms where a student can see the exceptions made to their academic requirements in their APR.
  • Run a “what-if” scenario to evaluate the student’s potential academic progress towards a program’s academic requirements.
  • Run a report to assess the transfer credits that student(s) have completed.
  • Run a report to identify students with complete and/or incomplete academic requirements.
  • Evaluate if dual entry to update a student’s academic progress is required in specific student instances in Workday and DN.


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