
Ergo Orientation: SHCS Child Care Workers

Started Jun 16, 2020


Full course description

This online ergonomics orientation for SHCS Child Care Workers covers the basics of what you need to know to set yourself up for ergonomic success. 

This course has the following 5 modules.  

Module #1. Ergonomic injury signs, symptoms and reporting. 

  • In this module you will learn what to do if you are injured or experiencing pain or difficulty with your work. 

Module #2.  Ergonomic Risk Factors. 

  • In this module you will learn important ergonomic risk factors that you need to look out for in your jobs. 

Module #3.  Task Specific Ergonomics.

  • In this module you will learn about specific risks in your day to day and what you can do to protect yourself. 

Module #4. Safe Lifting Ergonomics.

  • In this module you will learn key things to think about and do whenever you need to lift, carry, push or pull. 

Module #5.  Ergonomics & Stress.

  • In this module you will learn about protective factors, what you can do, and UBC's Mental Health Resource

Education in ergonomic risk factors related to one's work environment is required under WSBC.

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