Turning Down the Heat: Communication Tips for Handling Challenging Conversations - Apr 14
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Workshop Details
Topic: Turning Down The Heat: Communication Tips for Handling Challenging Conversations
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
Do you sometimes have to work with irritable, frustrated, distraught or demanding students, faculty, instructors, staff, or members of the public? In this highly participative, skill-building, practical virtual workshop, participants will identify & practice effective techniques to handle these challenging conversations.
As a participant, you will discover tips and skills to:
- calm clients faster with specific phrases that work
- identify words you use that trigger emotional clients
- manage & defuse situations before they escalate
- practice & receive specific feedback
- create a Plan of Action to implement new skills immediately
FACILITATORS: Elephant Ears, Joyanne Landers
Joyanne Landers has gained a solid reputation over the last twenty-five years as a facilitator, speaker and executive coach. Her clients describe her as “dynamic,” “powerful,” and “thought-provoking.” She builds on her wide-ranging experience guiding leaders and employees in the public and private sectors throughout Canada to create shifts in the way they relate to their work and their colleagues.
She stimulates participants to challenge their perceptions and take new actions so they get new results. Joyanne has the ability to lead workshops that are practical and easy to apply in real-world situations. Her plain talk, humour, and boundless enthusiasm are contagious. Her company name is Elephant Ears Training because Joyanne believes smart conversations are really all about Big Listening, Big Ears, Elephant Ears
If you have PD Funds available and you are interested in using them for this workshop, you should enroll first and then submit a PD Funds claim for the cost of the workshop via Workday. For more information, visit PD Funds webpage.
If you would like to withdraw from a course, please submit a written notice via email to support.wpl@ubc.ca at least 15 calendar days before the course begins to be eligible for a refund (less a $50 administration fee). We cannot offer refunds for cancellations received less than 15 days before a course begins.
Okanagan Campus, ONCS, Vancouver Point Grey, VRPTGY, Vancouver Robson Square, VRRNSE, Online, OE,Leadership & Management, LPMT, Personal Development, PLDT, Remote Work, REWK