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Workforce Planning & Change Session 2 hosted by UBC Change and Transition CoP

Ended Feb 18, 2021

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Full course description

In this interactive session we will share the value of leveraging change and transition principles and techniques throughout the workforce planning process. Looking forward to connecting with you!

Date: February 18th @ 1pm-2pm

Where:  Online via Zoom

Who is this for?
The course is designed with the following in mind: any manager with direct report(s), individuals responsible for workforce planning, and individuals responsible for risk mitigation. 
Open to all faculty and staff interested in learning more about the topic.

What are the learning outcomes?

  • Increase understanding of how workforce planning and change management are separate disciplines that complement one another
  • Understand the value of applying a change lens to workforce planning activities
  • Learn about change models that align well to the workforce planning process and ways you might leverage them


This session builds on the first session (Workforce Planning and Change), taking a closer look at how Change and transition principles and techniques help facilitate the Workforce Planning process. Workforce Planning and Change are separate disciplines but combined they can support the organization (people, structures, process) to transition from today towards the future of work. In this session, we will review a few change models and how we can leverage them to  support workforce planning.

Workforce planning is a strategic and iterative process for identifying and addressing gaps (skills, capabilities, resources) between the workforce of today and the organizational needs of tomorrow. Effective workforce planning will enable UBC to align workforce requirements directly to the university's strategic goals.

Workforce planning helps to strategically position the university as it shapes its future, with an eye to retention and growth, an improved employee experience, and relevant supporting budgeting discussions.


Facilitator:  Simon Tai - Workforce Strategist, Workplace Learning and Engagement


Keywords: CEMT; OE