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Shifting habits – exploring a neuroscience approach to culture change

Ended Oct 13, 2022

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Full course description

WHEN: October 13th, 1:00 p.m. -2:30p.m.

FORMAT: Online workshop

TARGET AUDIENCE: Leaders | Individual contributors | faculty and staff interested in strengthening organizational change capabilities


Welcome to the kick off of our fall series of UBC change and transition community of practice events.

Join colleagues from across UBC as we explore the NeuroLeadership Institute NLI® change methodology:  Priorities, Habits, and Systems™ (PHS). PHS is a three pronged approach to creating culture change within organizations. It relies on a simple, easy to understand definition of culture:  shared everyday habits. 

In this 90 minute session, we will:

  • explore the methodology 
  • share stories and examples
  • collaborate in small groups to reflect and work though examples using the methodology

Pre-work ( 5-10 mins). Prework will be shared upon registration.




KEYWORDS: CEMT; change management; culture change;  OCM;  methodology