
Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent - Mouse (UBCO)

Started Jun 11, 2020

$20 Enroll

Full program description

This course is required only for users that anesthetize rodents, including for terminal or non-survival procedures. This course is not necessary for users who intend to only perform euthanasia.

The Introduction to Anesthesia of the Laboratory Rodent course will cover: administration of injectable and gas anesthetics, emergencies, monitoring, recovery, supportive care and pain management. The laboratory component will include use of gas anesthetics, comparison of multiple injectable anesthetics, and training on monitoring and supportive care during anesthesia.

At the end of the hands-on laboratory, each student will be assessed in order to determine whether they have demonstrated competency or proficiency in the techniques taught in this course.

*Prerequisites: Introduction to Working with Rodents in Research and Rodent Restraint and SC/IP Injections.

View the course outline and rubric.

** Note: You will be working hands on with gas (isoflurane) anesthesia during this lab. Though waste gases are scavenged, there is still a possibility of being exposed to waste isoflurane gas. If you are pregnant, may be pregnant, or should not be exposed to waste anesthetic gases for other reasons, you will not be permitted to take this lab unless you have enrolled in the UBC Occupational and Preventative Health Program and have a signed Informed Consent Document. Once you have the Informed Consent Document, you must contact the training coordinator at PRIOR to the lab to discuss the precautions that need to be taken during the lab. If you are taking only the injectable anesthetic portion of the course, please contact the training coordinator at PRIOR to the lab to discuss the options. **